Saturday, July 16, 2011

Cowboy, Ninja, Viking #1

I am like you. When I saw a comic called "Cowboy, Ninja, Viking" I almost pooped the bed. Seriously, even the cover gave me a chili dog. But upon acquiring and reading the text, I am thoroughly NOT IMPRESSED.

First of all, half the time my thought process was, "what the hell is going on?" The issue consists of WAY too much dialog, and not enough cowboy, ninja, viking trash whooping. Personally, I have no problem with dialog, in fact I welcome it, when it's good. This was confusing jargon, scientific terms, and unspecified plot fillers. Not to mention the insanely hard to understand 'inner monologue' portions of the comic.

Which thought bubble do you read first? And are you kidding me-- they expect to draw a little AXE for every viking line, a SWORD for every ninja line, and a GUN for every cowboy line? Unreal. Just use different colors or something, because the little icons in the word bubbles look crazy and confuse the scene more then they provide clarity.

The only redeeming portion of the comic are the last 3 pages, when you finally understand that the main villain is going to have three personalities as well. That single fact was enough to peek my interest in picking up the next issue. We'll see though, those first 15 pages were torture. The art is pretty good, very loose but an effective vehicle none the less. Personal opinion, steer clear of Cowboy, Ninja, Viking because apparently you need 3 personalities to understand it.

Chad de Lisle is a newly married college student in Utah. He spends much of his day with his wife Hilary and their dog Bobby Dylan. He spends his weekends as a Dungeon Master for his friend's Dungeon's and Dragon's games.

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