Friday, July 15, 2011

Bomb Queen - Woman of Mass Destruction (Vol 1)

Woman of Mass Destruction

What an unusual comic! In this story, the villain WON. Bomb Queen is a heinous woman with a hot body and an appetite for lascivious behavior. She has defeated every hero that has crossed her path and now spends her days bullying the City Government and collecting tribute money. At first glance it doesn't seem like a setting with much longevity. What possible problems does a victorious villain face that might be worth reading about? (Besides breasty wardrobe malfunctions.)

Elections are coming to Bomb Queen's city, and the candidate running for the new mayor wants to make some significant changes to the sinful city. If there is anything that Bomb Queen hates, its changes to HER city. The hopeful mayor drops 10 million dollars to hire a hero from a nearby city to challenge the evil queen. And the political and violent clashes ensue! A very well thought out, succinctly written story with many high points and few low.

Jimmie Robinson (the author) uses this playful comic as a satirical commentary on the nature of our society. He prods us with dark humor about murder, violence, sexual perversion, and anarchy. Overall, he uses comedy to highlight the most tragic of crimes among us. But the most interesting part is that they are not brought to the forefront, most of the commentary comes through in the backgrounds of the panels. It screams boldly in the depictions of the 'filler' characters in each scene, as Bomb Queen seems to be the only "beautiful" person in the city. (But she is also the root of all evil.)

I think that this story is a fascinating take on society, but I will warn that it is not for everyone. There is a hefty portion of goofy contrived nudity and offensive jokes. BUT! They are intentional devices used by the author to offend and convey his message, which is:

"In our world, the villains have won."


Chad de Lisle is a newly married college student in Utah. He spends much of his day with his wife Hilary and their dog Bobby Dylan. He spends his weekends as a Dungeon Master for his friend's Dungeon's and Dragon's games.

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