There are a lot of comic books to explore. There are a lot of traditional heroes and villains, and they make the industry run. Whether you're looking through the long boxes at your local retailer, or scooping out online auctions and other sales for prime copies of the caped crusaders that were invented decades ago, or you're looking for something from Japan, you'll be in good hands if you look at the latest and what some might call greatest alternative comic book series going today. The best alternative comic series is called, Scalped, and it's not just another Vertigo release.
There are three major reasons why you should consider reading Scalped right now.
1. Setting: First and foremost you should consider the setting. This is not your grandfather's comic book series; it's more gritty and realistic. The story takes place on a Native American Reservation. While it is fictional, it is a major contrast from traditional settings.
2. Artwork: The art direction is the second reason you should be reading Scalped. The artwork does not feature large muscles and obscene battles with unrealistic explosions, flying projectiles, or anything that you're accustomed to. The artwork is dark and in many ways highlights the story with such ease that you'll swear you're watching a movie and not reading a comic book.
3. Plot: The plot of each issue of Scalped changes, but the main characters fit into a world that is not too unreal. You can see the story happening in a realistic setting, and for some, it resembles the television show "The Sopranos", while others will be quick to cite classic literature as a proper setting. You'll meet some down and out characters, a Tribal Chief looking for control of the reservation's Casino, and an undercover FBI agent looking for redemption of body and soul.
Jason Aaron and RM Guera are putting some of the best literature to come across sequential art in a long time, and for whatever reason, it is not the #1 title sold today. It might take years for the impact of Scalped to be felt, but much like Preacher, Punisher, and many other gritty books, the time will come for it to come to the center stage. You should consider reading this series, and if not, you're missing out greatly.
Alternative comics, music, and media create a landscape that is left of center, and is worth talking about. For those interested in more than the "traditional" consider reading Casket Salesman blog, for honest reviews of media that you may have missed out on.
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